Monday, January 23, 2012

Advocare Distributor

I finally took the steps to become an Advocare distributor. I have been trying to loose weight and these products have really been helping me. So far I have lost 22 pounds. If you want to check out these products you can find me here. If you have time just check it out. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Zumba, Zumba Gold

My friend Jennie and I recently went off on another Zumba training adventure. This time we went to a Zumba Gold training class. It was an all day training and so much fun. Zumba Gold is for people that are just beginning to exercise, have a disability or on a wheelchair. Let me tell you doing Zumba in a chair is just as fun as standing and doing it.

The instructor Madalene Aponte is high energy and a great instructor. This lady has all the moves down and is a little powerhouse. She teaches the best classes ever!
Now I have basic one and gold licenses to teach. Hmm wonder if I will ever get good enough and brave enough to teach.
Zumba Gold Instructor, now to find the time to practice, get really good . I will have to admit that this is a super fun form of exercise, and even if I don't teach it is one of my favorite things to do.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Jealousy, Wow! I know it is wrong to be jealous of other people and just because one person has something or gets to do something I don't, is no reason to be jealous. At times I feel it creeping in and I really try to pray about it and control those feelings. I know just because a person has this quality in their life does not mean they are not going through something in there own in life. I try to be grateful for all the good in my life, but sometimes, just sometimes I wish I had or could do something exciting. maybe my presumption of exciting is warped. I'm just not sure but I know I struggle with this, just saying.