Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Little of This and Some of That

I can't believe it has been almost 2 weeks since I have blogged. So much has been going on I can't seem to keep up.

School has been keeping me busy, and my classes are going good. I seem to have my face stuck in a book quite a bit these days..........I'm always hoping for a read for fun as I call it, but it always seems to be text books that my face is stuck in. I guess if college degrees were easy everyone would have one.......haha

The weather around here has taken a turn for fall, and quickly looking like winter is on its way. Almost all the leaves are gone, it's been in the low 20's at night a few times and the sky looked like snow yesterday, but held off.

I have a friend who is headed to Iraq on Tuesday, and I'm not really liking this, but what can you do other than pray for a safe return. So if you would please keep him in your prayers too.

I have had major fun with canning foods this year so far. I have done, spicy black beans, spicy pinto beans, smoked salmon, salmon, peaches, beets and my new endeavor is making apple butter and canning that.

Oh and I bought a gym membership and I have been going to the gym. I go to zumba a couple times a week, and step on Fridays and the rest of the time you can find me hoofing it on the treadmill and doing other workouts on the equipment. I have been doing this for 2 weeks now and dropped 1 pound.......UGH one 1 pound! What gives!


He & Me + 3 said...

atleast you haven't gained...:)
It has been crazy around here too. Very busy and blogging has taken a back seat but it is still good. My mom cans. I need to have her show me too. It looks so fun.

Darcie said...

Great to read your update. Don't give up on that gym...takes the body a while to realize whats going on. Enjoy the rest of your fall, before winter sets in.

Ms. Diva said...

I am doing all the fun reading I can right now!! Cause I start school 1/3/11!! Can't wait!!! I have to figure out how to get my runs in and school!! Keep up the good work!!

Patricia said...

You are my super hero BBF. I love you and soooo happy that you got that beautiful kitchen look so cute hugging it.
I have always wanted one of the bread makers that look like a microwave but has the mixer and everything inside...then bakes it all in one setting. Mmmmmmm! I would be sooo flippin fat though :O