Monday, July 12, 2010

Party Like A Rockstar

Yesterday was Granny's 87th birthday Party, a few years back we had a party for her and she loved it so much that was her request is to have one every year, until she "kicks the bucket" her words.....LOL The picture up top is all the family who could make it to the party, there are tons more family members but they had prior engagements and could not make it. It turned out to be a beautiful day outside and we all enjoyed ourselves.
Grandma, is such a wonderful lady and very dear to my heart, she is wonder woman in my eyes and heart.
Grandma and my Daughter Rachel and Rachel's Daughter Ashlee.
This is cousin and great Friend Jennie and Me and Super Woman and best Math teacher ever Angela. Yes Angela was our math teacher in college, that is how we all met, and is a great friend of the family too.

It was a perfect day, weather cooperated, and I think it was the warmest day yet this summer. Perfect for Grandma to shine on her special day. Everyone made their special dish of food, and we all ate, laughed and had a great time. Grandma, partied like the star she is!


1. He & Me + 3 said...

Well I hope that Grandma felt like a rockstar at her party. Too cute. Happy Birthday to your Grandma!
the group shot is great and great memories.

2. Karen Mortensen said...

What a great day. Glad all went well.

3. Alexis AKA MOM said...

Looks like a beautiful day and fun by all! Glad to hear the weather was nice too!

4. Darcie said...

Aww...Happy birthday to your dear Grandma! I agree with her...keep celebrating for as long as you in your like a rockstar. ;-)

5. More Than Words said...

Wow, what a blessing for your grandma, Robyn. I'm sure she felt the love all around her!