Sunday, June 12, 2011


Jealousy, Wow! I know it is wrong to be jealous of other people and just because one person has something or gets to do something I don't, is no reason to be jealous. At times I feel it creeping in and I really try to pray about it and control those feelings. I know just because a person has this quality in their life does not mean they are not going through something in there own in life. I try to be grateful for all the good in my life, but sometimes, just sometimes I wish I had or could do something exciting. maybe my presumption of exciting is warped. I'm just not sure but I know I struggle with this, just saying.


Joanne said...

Sometimes it can be just the thing to give us that push....but overall it is a icky feeling. Blessings, Joanne

Darcie said...

I completely understand...I think this is a normal struggle for any human being...after all, we are human. So there is only ONE that can help us with those feeling and rid us of them. Hold tight.

petrii said...

Hi Robyn,
You have an absolutely lovely blog.

I have your Flip Flops all packaged up and ready to send to ya. So I'll be getting those in the mail either this afternoon or tomorrow.

Thanks for being my Swap Buddy. It has been a real joy for me to shop for you and dream of my trip to Alaska one day =)

Have a Super Blessed Afternoon ~~ Dawn

He & Me + 3 said...

Been there. You are doing the right thing to pray. It always helps.

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