First off My Husband and I are working on our relationship, and I'm hoping to mend our current issues. Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers.
Yesterday we worked on our house, deep cleaning and hanging new mini blinds. That was a chore and it's looking very nice.
I can't believe it is Tuesday already, seems days off from work go way faster than days working.
Wow June 1st already, where does time go, we are close to half way with 2010. WOW!
Tonight I have a massage therapist(friend) coming to my house to give me a well needed massage. This will be a great relief to my worn-out, stressed-out body.
I'm thinking I need a road trip in my near future. Maybe next week on my days off I will go to Homer, which is 90 miles from home and enjoy the beach and some shopping.
Our summer has hit nicely and our day light hours are over 18 hours of light now, so it never gets totally dark. I love this time of year!
Hmmm my Daughter's man is home this week, maybe he will take us out on the boat to catch some salmon. Now there is a thought!
Ok, enough with the random, everyone have a beautiful day.