Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Sunset

I have to give full credit of this picture to my youngest son. He has a real talent for snapping off the best pictures!


He & Me + 3 said...

It is absolutely beautiful. I love the purple in the sky. Very cool.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Thank you so much for stopping by and participating in my giveaway, I totally appreciate it :)! Thank you again for adding my button and following! I'm now a follower too!

That picture is gorgoeus and with the song it was perfect, I had to stay for the whole song to just sit there and pretend I was there ;). Tell your son he is a great photographer!

heidi said...


More Than Words said...

Oh, the colors are amazing!! Tell him great job!!

Rune said...

beautiful picture:)


Wanda..... said...

The colorful sunset over the pine trees is beautiful!


I love this one.. Damn kid always has to beat me.. His pics are beautiful...

Miti said...

Wow....that's beautiful!