Sunday, March 22, 2009

Will She Blow

Seismicity rates have increased dramatically over the last 48 hours. Currently, the earthquake rate is up to 26 events per 10-minute period. Many of these events are large enough to be recorded at the more distal stations of the Redoubt network, including NCT and DFR.

Our Mt. Redoubt is being a turd, and keeps wanting to blow! This picture and update are from the volcano web site! I wonder if it will go up and ash us!



WOO HOO Bring on the ASH! baby!

More Than Words said...

Oh wow!!! How close are you to that, Robyn??

Robyn said...

I think about a 100 miles as a crow flies!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Holy Moly wat a picture! 100 miles isn't not that far. Yikes keep us posted!

I know I need to post it I was actually just sitting down to do the and find out who is the winner :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Wow..that looks awesome! You really do have beauty all around you.

McCrakensx4 said...

Wow, that is beautiful. I hope that you are OK. We got really windy here today, I mean REALLY windy!! Take care

Jacki said...

Wow! What a picture! I hope you all are safely away from it! Thanks so much for the prayers! We really need them!
You're right....Hospice is AWESOME!!