Friday, March 27, 2009

More Eruptions

Mt Redoubt erupted last night at 11:47 pm and then this morning at 8:40 am.

Then again tonight.This is what the volcano site says for tonight eruptions.

At 19:25 AKDT March 27, 2009 (3:25 UTC March 28) an explosive eruption occurred at Redoubt volcano. National Weather Service reports an ash cloud height of about 51,000 feet above sea level.This follows closely behind the eruption that occurred at approximately 17:35 AKDT (01:35 UTC) that sent ash to an estimated height of 40,000 feet above sea level.
To see more pictures or up to date details visit


1. Gill said...

Very cool photo...but (ignorant Brit moment coming up) you aren't in any danger are you???

2. SUGAMAMA'S CAFE' said...

Robyn.. You little turd! are you following your own Blog!!!! That is SO cheating...
Love you!

3. Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Love the pic.......the link was great and so interesting.
Hey, I didn't know about SugaMama's upcoming surgery. She's okay right? I read her other blog today. She seems like such a nice lady and her posts are a scream.
I love your posts as well Robyn. Your beautiful picture's are breathtaking and you always include so much relevant information. I learn alot at your blog and you're a bright spot :)
Take good care and.......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

4. He & Me + 3 said...

wow..that looks very cool, but are you all going to be OK? Are you all prepared?

5. Wanda..... said...

I've never mentioned how I enjoy your music...especially Khenoronhkhwa...with a photo of an erupting volcano...goes together so well. Thanks for your visits and comments Robyn! Take care.

6. Robyn said...

We are well prepared here. I have masks, goggles, clean water and food for weeks. We live about 65 miles from the volcano and so far the wind has been going the other way. So not much ash this direction.

Sugamama I don't know how I started following my own blog..........LOL

Reggie Girl,
Yes I beleive with all my heart Sugamama will be alright, this surgery is something she has wanted for a long while. Please keep her in your prayers.

Everyone thank you for following my blog and being so kind, it touches my heart!

7. Kelly said...

All the photos of teh eruption are AMAZING! Thanks so much for sharing. My son was fascinated!!