Saturday, March 7, 2009

Truth Be Told

I sit here right now struggling with my math(algebra). I feel this overwhelming urge to just give it up, although I know I can not do this! I must find the strength and know how to carry on. I have until May 4th left in this class and then I don't have to pick up another math book. My math requirements will be accomplished for my degree. It seems so hard compared to my last 2 math classes, and I feel like my brain has froze, like I have never seen this stuff before, and YES I HAVE! I pray some how I make it through, and don't have to struggle in such a manner, that I get so confused it does me no good!
Ahhhhhhhh Listen to me whine, well thanks for reading anyway!
I know some how some way I will succeed!


Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Hang in there, Robyn! I hated all the math classes I had to take in college (5 total!). My degree is in Early Childhood Education. Our focus is learning the numbers 1-20, couting to 20, sorting, patterns, and basic addition and subtraction, etc. Those classes did NOTHING for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Robyn, Put your left hand on your right shoulder and you right hand on your left shoulder and squeeeeeze. From me to you. Now go outside and yell I CAN DO THIS I WILL DO THIS TOMORROW !!!!!!!!! Sweet dreams

He & Me + 3 said...

I do not like math either, but you can do it. You have come this far...don't get overwhelmed too much. Ask for help and keep trying. I can say all this, because I am not taking the class with you. LOL
I know you can do can already feel that degree in your hand. Keep it up.

Gill said...

Oh i hear ya! Math is almost a swear word to strikes fear into the pit of my stomach!

But you have a wonderful goal, such a fabbo reason to do this..pass and come tell me it wasn't so bad..anyone can do it ;)



Math SUCKS! You my Friend.. You are amazing! Breathe in peace... Exhale love... drink some wine... You WILL do this.......

Robyn said...

Thank you for all of your encouraging comments.
I will try and get help by a tudor tomorrow before class. I will make it I just have to!